Thanks to everyone who has supported the club by renewing, or taking out new membership, for 2024. A list of current members will be listed here in due course.
2023 membership: Paul Sinclair EI5GTB, David Barnes EI5IMB, Jason McGarrigle EI9LB, Daniel McGlashin EI4HNB, Raymond Long EI9DM, Dessie Bonner EI3GWB, Peter Green EI2IU, Peter Carty, KM6MJC, Tony Casey EI3HA, Ian Evans EI3KT, Martin Gillespie EI8GP, Gerry Feeney EI6IYB, Martin Doddy EI7IIB, Declan Lennon EI9HQ, Leonard McDonnell EI2JHB, Esther Harper EI4KT, Dan Nelson EI6GN, Iain Mounsey EI3GXB, Aidan Mac Intyre EI2CW, David Dillon EI8BEB, Jon Kilpatrick EI5JTB, Malcolm Houston EI5JEB, Robbie Phelan EI2IP.
2024 membership
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2024 Memberships are now available on the above link – thanks to everyone above for supporting the club and promoting amateur radio in the North West. Some of the benefits of membership are listed below but the main one is the feel-good knowledge of knowing you are helping the amateur radio community in the region! We are a non-profit and 100% goes back into projects relating to radio in our area.
2023 AGM was held in January 2023 and here you can find the meeting report in our news section. Chairman Paul Sinclair EI5GTB, Secretary David Barnes EI5IMB and Treasurer Jason McGarrigle EI9LB. The next AGM will be held in early 2024.
It was agreed that the current annual membership fee be retained at €20 per member. There were considerable expenses this past year so it’s important that the club can build up some funds to cover any future additions.
The big works in 2022 year was the 2 Meter VHF repeater which is back again at Truskmore – David Barnes EI5IMB has done stellar work in this and has sourced a new repeater. The cavity filters were resurrected from the past installation. Updates on this project can be found here. Thanks to the members and the kind donations in getting EI2TKR back on-air.
We have also arranged our IRTS Affiliation again and also an insurance scheme for our paid up club members. This provides members of the public a third party cover from any harm that may occur due to our station at any club events. Hopefully something we never need but especially for anyone operating SOTA/POTA/Lighthouse etc it is a bit of piece of mind.
Paid up members are also welcome to attend club meetings and may bring a non-member as a guest. Club Members are also allowed to operate the club callsign of EI1DRC and QSL cards can be provided if needed. You can use this to supervise unlicensed members on air with the use of this callsign.
Club members are also listed with the ‘Group Expert’ tag in our Facebook Group.
In 2022 we also arranged a club banner for club events and Club Polo Shirts were produced and made available for members.